Years 1-13
Internal assessments
These may be administered termly or half-termly, depending on the subject and age of students and may be done by way of examinations, specific assessed pieces of work or project work which contributes to overall marks.
Curriculum Benchmark Assessments
We teach the English National Curriculum and, therefore, our students sit the statutory curriculum assessments for this programme of study:
- Year 1 Phonics Screening
- Year 6 SATs – English and maths
- Year 11 IGCSE – Cambridge
- Year12/13 – AS/A Level – Cambridge
Standardised Assessments
These are required by KHDA for all schools in Dubai. They are externally set tests and most are completed online. This means that marking is done mainly automatically and independently by the examination system. Not every year group will sit every test every year; tests are regulated by the requirements of the KHDA schedule together with school assessment needs. They measure different aspects of students’ development and progress to give teachers a full profile for each student.
GL Progress Tests – English, Mathematics and Science
These are taken once per year, usually in May and give an externally validated measure of attainment and progress against each of these subjects.
CAT4 Cognitive Ability Test
This assessment measures a student’s learning and thinking ability and is not based on their actual curriculum learning. It gives information on how able the student is in manipulating and thinking using numbers, words and patterns. Results can be used to help set targets for IGCSE for example.
International Benchmark Assessments
These are based mainly on English, Mathematics and Science and are administered in line with the international schedule which may be every three or four years, for example:
- TIMSS: Mathematics and Science for Years 5 and 9
- PISA/PBTS: Ability to understand and problem solve using the subject specific language for English, Mathematics and Science– for 15 year olds.
- PIRLS: English reading and comprehension ability – year 5/6
International Benchmark Assessments results are not available for individual students. They are used to provide overall information on the year group as a whole or Dubai/UAE as a whole to facilitate international comparisons country by country.